Data : 18-01-24 15:02
Samsung C&T maintains the No. 1 job popularity for construction companies in the new year.
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Samsung C&T maintains the No. 1 job popularity for construction companies in the new year.
삼성물산, 새해에도 건설사 취업인기 1위 유지
Samsung C&T retained its No. 1 position for the third month in the list of first-ever job seekers for construction companies in 2018, a survey showed Tuesday. Dong-A Geography (specialized construction), Samwoo CM Building Corporation (architectural design/CM), Hyundai Engineering (engineering), and Gye-seon (Interior) topped the list. In the comprehensive construction sector, Hyundai Engineering & Construction, Daewoo Engineering & Construction, Daelim Industrial, POSCO Engineering & Construction, GS Engineering & Construction, Hyundai Industrial Development, Lotte Engineering & Construction, Hanwha Engineering & Construction and Booyoung were ranked in the top 10. Hoban Construction, Kumho Engineering & Construction, Hanshin Gongyoung, Gyeryong Construction Industry, SK Engineering & Construction, Taeyoung Construction, Doosan Engineering & Construction, Kolon Global, Hanyang and Ssangyong Engineering & Construction ranked in the top 20, while KCC Engineering & Construction, Doosan Heavy Industries, Bando Engineering & Construction, Samho, Seohee Construction, Hyosung, Daebang Construction, Hanjin Heavy Industries, Umi Construction and Subwon ranked 21st and 30th. In the area of specialized construction, Dong-A Zil, Samboen, Gusan Togun, Hyundai Steel Industry, Unnam, Special Construction, Samho Development, Woowon Development, Hungwoo Industry and Dong-A STec ranked in the top 10. In the architectural design, supervision, and CM category, the Samwoo C.M. Building Office, Heerim General Building Office, Samwoo General Building Office, Junglim Building Complex Office, Gansam Building Complex Office, Hyundai General Design, Hanmi Global, Coastal General Building Office, Creative General Building Office, and Shiaplan Building Office. In the engineering (plant and civil engineering)/managing/CM category, Hyundai Engineering has been ranked first for 43 months. It was followed by Dohwa Engineering, Samsung Engineering, Gunwon Engineering, Korea General Technology, Yushin, Seo Young Engineering, Dongmyeong Technology Corporation, Kunhwa and Saman. In the interior category, Gyeseon, National Treasure Design, Samwon S&D, Dawon Design, Eunmin S&D, Daehye Architecture, Construction Technology, Duyang Architecture, Umji House and Kingsman were included in the top 10.
2018年 첫 건설사 취업인기순위에서 삼성물산이 3개월 째 1위 자리를 지켰다고 조사됐다. 동아지질(전문건설), 삼우씨엠건축사사무소(건축설계/CM), 현대엔지니어링(엔지니어링), 계선(인테리어)이 부문별 1위를 차지했다.
종합건설 부문에서는 삼성물산에 이어 현대건설, 대우건설, 대림산업, 포스코건설, GS건설, 현대산업개발, 롯데건설, 한화건설, 부영이 톱10에 이름을 올렸다. 호반건설, 금호건설, 한신공영, 계룡건설산업, SK건설, 태영건설, 두산건설, 코오롱글로벌, 한양, 쌍용건설이 20위권에 들었으며, KCC건설, 두산중공업, 반도건설, 삼호, 서희건설, 효성, 대방건설, 한진중공업, 우미건설, 서브원이 21위~30위를 차지했다.
전문건설 부문에선 동아지질, 삼보이엔씨, 구산토건, 현대스틸산업, 웅남, 특수건설, 삼호개발, 우원개발, 흥우산업, 동아에스텍이 상위 10위권을 기록했다.
건축설계/감리/CM 부문에선 삼우씨엠건축사사무소, 희림종합건축사사무소, 삼우종합건축사사무소, 정림건축종합건축사사무소, 간삼건축종합건축사사무소, 현대종합설계, 한미글로벌, 해안종합건축사사무소, 창조종합건축사사무소, 시아플랜건축사사무소 순으로 이름을 올렸다.
엔지니어링(플랜트·토목종합)/감리/CM 부문에서는 현대엔지니어링이 43개월째 1위에 올랐다. 이어 도화엔지니어링, 삼성엔지니어링, 건원엔지니어링, 한국종합기술, 유신, 서영엔지니어링, 동명기술공단, 건화, 삼안 순이었다.
인테리어 부문에선 계선, 국보디자인, 삼원에스앤디, 다원디자인, 은민에스앤디, 대혜건축, 시공테크, 두양건축, 엄지하우스, 킹스맨이 상위 10위권에 포함됐다.
-출처 cnbnews